Frequently Asked Questions

1.    What is a home or business inventory?

A Home or Business Inventory Report from Montana Home Inventory Services, LLC, is collected information about the your personal property, business property and valuables.  The information in your Home or Business Inventory Report can be used to file a claim with your insurance company,  assist with estate planning, documenting property condition, furnishings and contents for ranch, vacation or rental properties and “turnkey” real estate transactions and as proof of ownership and itemization of items taken in the event of a theft.

2.    Why do I need your service?

The Home or Business Inventory Report provided to you by Montana Home Inventory Services, LLC,   will assist you in meeting the “burden of proof” that may be required by your Insurance Company before you receive the proper settlement from your Insurance Company at the time of a claim. The photos and optional, additional documentation will help to account for and identify your personal property, business property and valuables in the event of a catastrophic disaster and  loss or to law enforcement in the event of a theft.   The information in your Home or Business Inventory Report can also assist law enforcement in identifying your property if it should be recovered.  In addition, it is of great value for estate planning or identifying beneficiaries of specific property items.   The Home Inventory Report can also be used to document the condition and./or contents of property in rental or vacation homes.  If you are planning to move or place your property in storage, a Home Inventory Report can document what property is being stored and it’s condition.

3.    Why can’t I just do this myself?

You can do it yourself, but will you??????    How many times have you witnessed a disaster and thought “we should do an inventory” and haven’t?  Montana Home Inventory Services, LLC, is a  professional, objective, third party company that will FINALLY get this done in a professional and timely manner.

4.    How will you help me at the time of a claim?

With your signed authorization, we can provide your Insurance Agent with a copy of your Home or Business Inventory Report.  We can also provide additional copies of your completed Home or Business Inventory Report to your attorney, estate planner, real estate professional and/or property manager.

5.    What items should I have documented?

In addition to the contents of your home or business, we suggest special documentation of garages, attics, basements, guest/caretaker houses and outbuildings such as barns, tackrooms and storage sheds.  You should include all non-standard and/or appraised items, including fine furniture, antiques, jewelry, collectibles, art, extensive wine collections, musical instruments, imported carpets or wall coverings, power tools, firearms, sporting goods, tack, garden equipment, etc…..  Again, your Home or Business Inventory Report can be as minimal or comprehensive as you want.

6.    How will you document my personal or business property?

Your Home or Business Inventory Report can be as minimal or comprehensive as you want.  We have flexible capabilities with our specialized software to document as much or as little of your personal property, business property and valuables as you wish.   The completed inventory will include a report of all items inventoried, which can include brand and/or make, model and/or serial numbers, dimensions, descriptions, all with photographs put on media storage.  You may want to contact your Insurance Agent to discuss your policy limits and personal property coverage before your appointment with us.  We can also make recommendations as to the level of detail that would be necessary to document your loss.   In some cases, it is not necessary, beneficial or cost effective to go into great detail.

7.    What do I need to have available for my appointment?

It would be helpful to have your Homeowner’s or Business Insurance Policy available so we can see what your personal property limits are and properly identify and inventory any item(s)  that is scheduled separately on your homeowner’s insurance.  We can also make recommendations if any unlisted items should be added to your policy or if additional coverage would be beneficial to you.  Also, any pertinent receipts, Certificates of Authenticity or other proof of purchase or ownership documentation you may have will be helpful in the inventory process.  These items can also be  electronically scanned during the inventory process to be made a part of your completed Home Inventory Report.

8.    How long will it take?

Because the sizes of homes and businesses and the comprehensiveness of each Home or Business Inventory Report will vary, it’s difficult to pinpoint the exact numbers of hours that we will be required to be in your home or business operation.  However,  3,000 square feet of living space will take a minimum of  four hours on site to complete, provided there are no special collections or high value items to document and photograph.

9.    What do we do with your inventory data?

We download the information onto our secure web based server.  You will be given unique and confidential credentials that will allow you to access your report 24/7/365, anytime, anywhere you have internet access. In addition to having access to view your Home or Business Inventory Report, updating your inventory now becomes a simple process.  It can be maintained for extended periods of time for a low fee with our annual renewal option.  

10.  Is there a charge to update my information?

As households and business grow and expand and we acquire new things, it’s recommended to update your Home or Business Inventory Report annually.  If you do any home or office improvements, remodeling or redecorating, purchase new furnishings or add to any collections, it’s recommended that your Home of Business Inventory Report be updated as soon as your improvement projects are completed or purchases are made.  If you would like us to make additional visits to your home to update your Home Inventory Report, a separate fee will be charged.  This fee will be billed on a “hourly” based fee.

11.  Can I update my information myself?

Yes, very simply.  Once we have completed your Home or Business Inventory Report, you will be given unique and confidential credentials to log on to our secure web based portal.  This access will be available to you 24/7/365, anytime, anywhere you have internet access.  Once you have accessed your personal account, you will have the ability to view, print, add, delete and update the contents of your Home or Business Inventory Report. 

12.  Must I be present during the inventory process?

Since you are the most familiar with the items in your home or business operation and you want your Home or Business Inventory Report to be complete, with no missing items, it is recommended that the property owner or business owner be present.  In the event the property owner is not available, they can appoint a personal representative.  In any event, either the property/business owner or their personal representative MUST be present during the entire inventory process.

13.  What is the cost of a Home or Business Inventory Report?

The cost of your personalized Home or Business Inventory Report can vary depending on the size of the home or business operation, the number of collections to be documented and how comprehensive you want your Report.  Call us for a “No Obligation” estimate.  You will find our prices affordable for all services.

14.  Will my information be kept confidential?

Absolutely.  Your personal information and information collected through the inventory process is NEVER shared.  All staff members have many years of business experience where confidentiality of the client is of the utmost importance.  Furthermore, Montana Home Inventory Services, LLC, and it’s members are fully insured for your protection.